- Tubeless pump
- Small waterproof pods (3.9 cm x 5.2 cm x 1.45 cm) adhere to skin and communicate wirelessly to a Personal Diabetes Manager (PDM)
- Pods contain insulin and self-inserting angled cannula (hands free auto cannula insertion)
- Click here for differences between Eros and DASH (PDF) . There are two types of Omnipod Insulin Management Systems in Canada. The older system uses Eros pods that communicate with a thicker PDM via radio waves. The newer system uses DASH pods (blue cannula cover) that communicate with a sleek PDM via bluetooth. The DASH PDM does not have a blood glucose meter incorporated. The Eros and DASH pods and PDMs are NOT interchangeable. There are other differences. Please reference the PDF above.
- PDMs allow for all insulin delivery programming including bolus calculator, remote bolusing, viewing of insulin-on-board, basal rate changes etc.
- Uninterrupted basal delivery if PDM is misplaced.
- Uploadable to Diasend
- Note, the DASH PDM's 7 day average insulin dose is 6 days + hours in current day. Eg if viewing at 0900 the 7 day average is 6 days + 9 hours of insulin. If looking at short term changes, eg. in preganncy, educators may wish to view daily totals and average those.
- Note: According to p.12 of the user manual, “Apidra is compatible with the Omnipod DASH® System for use up to 48 hours (2 days).”
- Note: Per manual, "Insulin sensitive patients should be aware that the accuracy of the device below 1U is ±0.05 units. For a dose of 0.05 units the actual bolus delivered may be as low as 0.00 units or as high as 0.10 units."
- Eros (older pods and sytem)
- Eros System User Guide
- Eros - how to change a pod
- DASH (newst pod and system)
- Virtual DASH PDM (Choose U.K. as country)
- DASH HCP Quick Start Guide (2 pages)
- DASH Patient Quick Start Guide (20 pages)
- Full DASH User Guide
- DASH training videos
- DASH Tips:
- The DASH PDM has a PIN set by the user. If the PIN is forgotten, the last 4 digits of the serial number will unlock the PDM.
- A battery change in PDM should not require a Pod change. If that is happening then likely the PDM internal lithium battery is depleted. The patient should call customer support to have PDM replaced.
- If the pod fails to pair, the Omnipod syringe may be used to attempt to withdraw insulin from the pod prior discarding.
- We're told the 7 day average of total daily dose may not be accurate depending on when viewed. The calculation includes the current incomplete day as a full day. Depending on the situation, the daily totals may wish to be viewed and averaged manually, eliminating the current incomplete day.
- To silence a "screaming" pod that cannot be deactivated from the PDM, insert a paperclip into the hole on the back of the pod, on the opposite side of the cannula.

Reports - Glooko
- Glooko Health Care Provider Reports Summary (U.S.)
- Glooko Legend (icons) eg. for set changes etc
- Instructions for patients to link their data to DCC clinic account...see Heading "To Upload Diabetes Devices" on the Diabetes Appt Preparation Page
FYI & Misc
- Pods can only be purchased via Diabetes Express or Richmond Square Pharmacy in Calgary.
- Advise to change set if notice tunneling or corrections that are not returning glucose to target. Tunneling is the wetting of the material of the pod (insulin travels back up after delivery). It often occurs with movement of the pod (laying on or just day to day movement after a few days) or bigger boluses. Consider extended boluses, different sites, more frequent pod changes,
Company Contacts
- Omnipod Canada Website
- Customer care:1.855.POD.INFO (1.855.763.4636)
- Vacation loaner requests 1-855-Pod-Info (763-4636)
- Jodi Thorimbert 1-403-594-2194 jthorimbert@insulet.ca Calgary area rep
- Sarah Iqbal-Khan 416-540-4688 Senior Market Access Manager